The good old boys want 922(o) to vanish. The NFATCA wants 922(o) to vanish. We have studied the potential scenarios of engaging a legislative effort to make just that happen. You know what? It's expensive. And likely very time consuming. Estimates project tens of millions of dollars and possibly a decade or more of effort. That's going to require a lot of funding and a lot elbow grease. Also a lot of grants, corporate donations and individual contributions. And as we all know, it's the groundswell of individual contributions that make or break the success of such an effort. We know that the leadership of NFATCA can nail down some grants and also dig down deep in their own wallets, get some corporate involvement, ally with other organizations and count on the good old boys to contribute to the possibility of increasing their livelihood. Can we count on the support of the guy in Yuma, Arizona, who just sold his tricked out Camaro to buy a $19,000 HK sear to help us out?