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Thread: Longer wait times at the NFA Branch?

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by darrylta View Post
    It's a breath of fresh air to hear someone tell it like it is, the Democrat Party has morphed into the Socialist Party,
    I've been referring to them as the Socialist Party for months. If everyone would do it, it would shine some light them for the uninformed.
    This says it all...

    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

    -Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by darrylta View Post
    It's a breath of fresh air to hear someone tell it like it is, the Democrat Party has morphed into the Socialist Party,
    I've been referring to them as the Socialist Party for months. If everyone would do it, it would shine some light them for the uninformed.
    Unfortunately so has 98% of the republican party. Almost ALL politicians are in place to:
    1. Maintain the status quo.
    2. Keep their jobs as long as possible by feeding the public a load of BS.
    3. Create problems and then legislate for the problems they created that were not present beforehand.
    The current governmental system HAS TO CHANGE or this country is history. It was never intended to be corrupted as badly as is it today. Term limits on all offices and once an office held can NEVER hold public office again.

  3. #3
    I would NEVER want to try a push for delisting with the current political environment. There's a lot of good progress being made in Chicago and Detroit through the courts and LEO's, and that needs time to shake out. McCarthy is retiring soon, and Feinstein can't have too many more years above ground. The political climate is definitely making it's way towards the positive side for us, but it's going to take a while still. The next election cycle will give us a better view into the state of things, but it looks positive from my perspective.

    We must, however, be ever-watchful for another FOPA '86.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by sillycon View Post
    I would NEVER want to try a push for delisting with the current political environment. There's a lot of good progress being made in Chicago and Detroit through the courts and LEO's, and that needs time to shake out. McCarthy is retiring soon, and Feinstein can't have too many more years above ground. The political climate is definitely making it's way towards the positive side for us, but it's going to take a while still. The next election cycle will give us a better view into the state of things, but it looks positive from my perspective.

    We must, however, be ever-watchful for another FOPA '86.
    A couple of points...

    1. Yes some anti-gunners are retiring or are on death's doorsteps, however there will be plenty of anti-gunners right behind them to fill their places. Progressives look at things generationally. They know they will not be able to advance the ball down the court so fast, but in 100 years they can achieve victory. They think in the long term.

    2. While we may have had some minor victories in the courts, the judges always cite loopholes or other ways around their ruling to aid the anti-gunners. Heck, anti-gunners use Scalia's own opinion against us where he said the 2nd amendment does not protect dangerous or unusual weapons. So logically, anti-gunners then try and equate the AR-15 with nuclear weapons and toxic gas canisters and use his words to ban weapons in "common use".

    3. As for something like the '86 FOPA, it is only a matter of time. I fear the demographics and political landscape of this nation is turning to one where there are more people with their hand out trying to get government entitlements that those of us who are producers can not pay for it all. This spells doom for the conservative or Republican party. I fear this nation with be a single party state in less than 20 years. Our fundamental rights should not be at stake EVERY election, but they are. If the Democrats take the House and hold the Senate, do you think they will waste the opportunity again to pass massive amounts of gun control legislation? Of course not.

    I think we live in dark times. As Mark Levin says "The Constitution is not up for election". However, I think leftist politicians do.

  5. #5
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    Getting back to the topic at hand. According to my calendar, it has been 300 days since I mailed in my completed Form 4s. So I called today and found out I am still pending. =(

    What is even more upsetting is that I bought the suppressor in question on Feb. 14th 2013. So it is also 11 months since I parted with my money for an object I have yet to see, touch or use.

  6. #6
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    311 days and counting. I called the NFA Branch on Friday and I am still pending even though there are other people on NFA Tracker posting that they are receiving their stamps that were approved a couple of weeks ago and according to their check cashing date, they sent in their forms after I did. My application is not in problem status. The nice gentleman on the phone politely told me that my application should be approved by the END OF NEXT MONTH! AHH!!! All I could do was thank him for his time and hang up. I am about to pull my hair out (what little I have left). The end of next month will be a few days shy of a year. After this one, I have 5 more forms in the works. I am only 33 and I just want to get to enjoy my NFA toys before I collect Social Security! (sorry for the hyperbole)

  7. #7
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    I never thought this day would come. I called the NFA Branch today and I was approved this morning. Now my dealer is telling me it is taking them 2 or 3 weeks to mail them out. At least my biggest wait is over. Now on to my next 4 Forms...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jason8844 View Post
    311 days and counting. I called the NFA Branch on Friday and I am still pending even though there are other people on NFA Tracker posting that they are receiving their stamps that were approved a couple of weeks ago and according to their check cashing date, they sent in their forms after I did. My application is not in problem status. The nice gentleman on the phone politely told me that my application should be approved by the END OF NEXT MONTH! AHH!!! All I could do was thank him for his time and hang up. I am about to pull my hair out (what little I have left). The end of next month will be a few days shy of a year. After this one, I have 5 more forms in the works. I am only 33 and I just want to get to enjoy my NFA toys before I collect Social Security! (sorry for the hyperbole)

    Social Unsecurity......By the time your eligible to cash in on the biggest Ponzi scheme this world has ever seen, the scheme will be a distant memory. I'm sixty and I'm not planning
    to get anything from know my lock box.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by darrylta View Post
    Social Unsecurity......By the time your eligible to cash in on the biggest Ponzi scheme this world has ever seen, the scheme will be a distant memory. I'm sixty and I'm not planning
    to get anything from know my lock box.
    Me either. I was just using it for an extreme example. However, with the volatility in stocks and bonds, and the virtual bankruptcy of SSI, guns look like a good investment that will at least hold value. LOL

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by jason8844 View Post
    Me either. I was just using it for an extreme example. However, with the volatility in stocks and bonds, and the virtual bankruptcy of SSI, guns look like a good investment that will at least hold value. LOL
    I'm done investing in guns. I now invest in ammo.

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