I have a ton of data inbound from a FOIA request that actually got approved (!). In the mean time...

Do you have a "problem free" Form 1 or Form 4 application that has taken more than 9 months to approve? When I say "problem free" I am referring to an application that does not have errors or additional documentation requested from NFA Branch. So no "I forgot to enclose a check," "I left a box blank," "I did not sign it," etc. Everything is right, it's just taking forever.

If you have one of these applications and it's pushing a year, I'd like to hear from you. I'll ask you for your application name and the serial number(s) of the weapons in question. Start date will be when you submitted or when they cashed the check (whichever is easiest). Participation is voluntary, but appreciated. The more/better the data, the better the solution.

PM me with your data if you would like to participate.