Quote Originally Posted by ExecDirector View Post
It's a great unknown. There is no proscribed time frame for OMB to finish the new forms proposals and then get the whole thing published in the Federal Register for the required public comment.

My *gut* tells me that it should be done by the end of the year. But that is nothing but a guess... Ideally, the new forms will include the silly citizenship requirement statements and have the excellent side benefit of eliminating that part as a separate process...

As for trusts... NFA Branch has already tightened up on this. They actually check to make sure that your trust is correct and proper for your specific state, etc. Many of the cut and pastes that folks have been grabbing off the net to save a buck are absolutely worthless if improperly applied or used. Same goes for many applications of Legal Zoo, Quicken, etc. The documents just do not accomplish what they need to do to be legal and proper. I always boggle when I hear of folks willing to plunk down $20k for a machine gun, but will not spend the $400 to get their docs done right by a lawyer who actually knows what he/she is doing on NFA items.

There is also an effort to formalize what many FFL/SOT's have been doing as a matter of course. When *I* deliver an NFA item to a trust, LLC, or other corporation, I always run a NICS on the actual person that is taking physical delivery. There have been cases of prohibited persons receiving and being in possession of NFA items via the trust/corp route and doing the NICS check for this gives one more layer of confidence.
Most of you will remember that the NFATCA started this entire CLEO process nearly five years ago. So many things at ATF have changed in that time that we don't know from one day to the next who will review the process at ATF and what additional requirements may be put in place before it is released. Like a freight train, this is definitely on the tracks and working its way home but man has it taken forever. My Dad always used to tell me that nothing good comes easy and this is one fine example of that.
The truth of the matter is that we have no idea what has happened internally at ATF since we started this process. All we know is that this train is still on the tracks. In terms of the give and take we don't know the specifics but you can bet your hind quarter something has changed. Just keep your fingers crossed and the minute we know anything, this will be the place you will read it first.