Quote Originally Posted by jason8844 View Post
311 days and counting. I called the NFA Branch on Friday and I am still pending even though there are other people on NFA Tracker posting that they are receiving their stamps that were approved a couple of weeks ago and according to their check cashing date, they sent in their forms after I did. My application is not in problem status. The nice gentleman on the phone politely told me that my application should be approved by the END OF NEXT MONTH! AHH!!! All I could do was thank him for his time and hang up. I am about to pull my hair out (what little I have left). The end of next month will be a few days shy of a year. After this one, I have 5 more forms in the works. I am only 33 and I just want to get to enjoy my NFA toys before I collect Social Security! (sorry for the hyperbole)

Social Unsecurity......By the time your eligible to cash in on the biggest Ponzi scheme this world has ever seen, the scheme will be a distant memory. I'm sixty and I'm not planning
to get anything from it...you know my lock box.